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Early access for GenAI assertions
Simplify test creation and expand your app's coverage with GenAI assertions!
GenAI assertions use generative AI to evaluate a screenshot of a selected element and a description of what you want to validate to determine whether the assertion should pass or fail. With GenAI assertions, you can validate more complex aspects of your application, including both text and visual details on the page.
To learn more about how you can add GenAI assertions to your tests, check out the release note.
GenAI assertions are currently available for all mabl customers as an early access program. Trial users can reach out to the mabl team if interested in trying it out.
Prior to general availability, changes to the feature may be made without notice.
Improvements to mabl Desktop App updates
Want to control how often you get prompted to update the Desktop App? You can do that now, thanks to the recent improvements to the Desktop App update experience!
The new Desktop App update prompt also includes a link to release notes, so you can learn more about what's in the latest version. Learn more.
A prompt to update the Desktop App
BigQuery Export Feed now includes DataTable scenario fields
If you use the mabl integration for BigQuery, you can now filter results in the *_journey_run table by the name and ID of a specific DataTable scenario. Learn more.
Dynamic inbox selection for mabl Mailbox
When testing an email across multiple permanent inboxes, you can configure the new Recipient address field to dynamically select the inbox. Previously, reusing email steps for different inboxes required using conditionals to select the correct inbox. Learn more.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue in which the test selection dropdown on the plan form could not be updated to select a different test.
- Fixed a bug that caused plan stage settings to revert to default values when a test in the plan stage was deleted.
Test creation
- Fixed a bug in which the "Assert on Element" option for custom find XPath steps did not work.
- Fixed a bug where element selectors could become corrupted when saved by older app versions that did not handle some new attributes.
- Fixed an issue with untrimmed zero width chars in assertions
- Fixed an issue where the Trainer would enter text before the keyboard was available in mobile tests.
- Fixed an issue with Webview interactions in some Android emulators because of missing Chromedriver version.
Test execution
- Fixed an issue that caused API steps that used mabl variable syntax to fail during Trainer playback.
- Resolved an issue that prevented live updates during performance test runs.
Test output
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Actions menu from showing rebaselining options for test steps that had visual change learning enabled.
Mabl CLI
- Fixed an issue that prevented the mabl CLI from clearing up test run artifacts after executing a local run
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