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Browser locale and timezone support
Want to test your application in different locales? Try our new browser localization options! Now available to all customers, browser localization settings include support for setting a specific browser locale and timezone for cloud runs, local runs, and runs from the mabl Trainer and mabl CLI!
Setting browser locale and timezone for a plan
In addition to testing in multiple locales, setting browser locale and timezone can ensure greater consistency between local and cloud test runs. Learn more.
Filtering out mabl-created plans
We updated the Plans page to automatically filter out mabl-created plans, which include the link crawler and visit home page tests. This new view makes it easier for teams to manage their user-created plans.
If you want to include mabl-created plans on the Plans page, set the new Default plans filter to Include mabl-created plans. Learn more.
New filter for mabl-created plans
Internet Explorer retirement
Internet Explorer was formally retired on October 2, 2023. Any plans that still use Internet Explorer after the retirement date had the IE browser option removed. No further tests are executed on IE. Learn more.
Legacy Runner retirement
On October 2, 2023, we retired the legacy implementation for executing browser tests in the cloud, also known as the Legacy Runner. All browser tests run on the Unified Runner in the cloud. Learn more.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the New plan button from appearing on the Plans page.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Test Output page from displaying the full test run output for some tests.
- Fixed a bug that prevented performance test output from showing metrics on functional test runs and request detail amounts while the test was running.
Test execution
- Fixed an issue that prevented the plan rerun button from running the correct tests for a plan run that was already a rerun itself.
- Resolved a bug in which a plan run that was configured to rerun for a specific application/environment pair would instead trigger a rerun for all the application/environment pairs configured for a plan.
- Fixed an issue that triggered new plan runs when a user clicked on the Stop button for an active plan run
- Fixed an issue where users could not select cloud credentials for ad-hoc runs or plan runs.
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