New features | Enhancements | Changes | Bug fixes
New features
Configure settings for training a browser test
When you build tests that run in different scenarios, it's important to confirm that the test logic produces the expected result across all forms of input. To assist with this effort, we've added new configuration options for editing browser tests that give you greater control over the test-training experience:
- You can now train tests with a specific DataTable scenario! Learn more.
- When you launch the mabl Trainer or use quick-edit mode to edit an existing browser test, you can configure settings from a convenient set of dropdowns. Learn more.
- The Test Output page includes the option to launch the Trainer with the DataTable scenario used in a specific test run. Learn more.
The new Edit test configuration modal
Performance reporting on the Release Coverage page
The Release Coverage page now includes additional insights on test performance, making it easier to identify and investigate slowdowns across tests in your workspace:
- The new performance card identifies the top tests with increased speed index and API response times.
- The Test Status table includes details on the cumulative speed index and response time for each test.
Clicking on the performance trend for a specific test changes takes you to that test's performance page. Learn more.

Top browser tests with increased app load time as seen on the new performance card
Workspace support access
Looking for help troubleshooting tests? If you're a workspace owner, you can now grant workspace access to the mabl Support Team with the new Support Access setting. Learn more.
New performance trend charts
In addition to surfacing performance metrics on the Release Coverage page, we also enhanced the existing functionality for investigating performance in indiv idual tests:
- The data points in the test-level performance chart are clickable and take you to the specific test run.
- API test runs now include details on API response time at the step level. Previously, step-level performance charts were only available for browser tests.
Improved test run scheduling backend
We've updated our test run scheduling backend for greater scheduling reliability and faster API response times for deployment events. This enhancement is offered as an early access program.
Data masking in API test results
Sensitive data in API test results, such as access tokens or authorization values are now masked on the API Test Output page and in the API Test Editor to prevent accidentally revealing these secrets. Learn more.
Export console logs for a test run from the mabl CLI
We've added the option to export console logs from a specific mabl test run using the mabl CLI.
Learn more.
"Remember me" option for logging into the mabl app
If you log in with username and password or through an SSO provider, you can save your preferred method of login by clicking on the new "Remember me" checkbox. Learn more.
Subscribe to system status updates via Microsoft Teams
If you use the Microsoft Teams integration for mabl, you can configure a Teams channel of your choice to receive system status updates from mabl. Learn more.
Retiring the Legacy Runner for Chrome
The Unified Runner replaced the Legacy Runner for Chrome; the end-of-support phase of the Legacy Runner for Chrome began on October 28, 2022. Test runs on the Unified Runner are significantly faster and provide consistent test execution between cloud and local test runs.
If you are running browser tests on the Legacy Runner for Chrome, we ask that you migrate your tests to the Unified Runner, which can be accomplished by following these steps.
For more information, check out our guide on the Legacy Runner sunset plan.
Internet Explorer sunset timeline
Starting October 14, 2022, Internet Explorer entered an extended-support phase. To learn more about our plan for retiring IE support, click here.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue in which data-driven variables for an API test would be duplicated if their values were edited from the Test Details page.
- Ensured that test results could be downloaded from the Test Output page in PDF format.
- Fixed an issue on the Plan Edit page in which saving the setting "Ignore DataTables" for a test would cause an API error.
- Resolved an issue in which the Edit Test Configuration modal would include applications and environments from a different workspace if the user belonged to more than one workspace.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect URLs to appear above thumbnail screenshots in visual smoke test output for Unified runs on Edge.
Test execution
- Resolved a bug that caused Legacy test runs to fail with the status "stopped" instead of "failed."
- Fixed an issue with browser test execution that caused the browser window to crash unexpectedly.
Mabl Trainer
- Fixed a regression in which reloading the mabl Trainer window caused the window to hang indefinitely.
- Resolved an issue that caused the mabl Trainer to become unresponsive if you switched to a different branch in a new browser test without saving changes.
- Fixed a bug that caused the mabl Trainer to record invalid step descriptions for button elements whose value contained a new line character.
- Fixed a bug where nested conditional steps wouldn't execute properly in the Trainer.
- Fixed an issue which caused test data-driven variables to be updated unexpectedly when the test was replayed with a DataTable scenario.
API Test Editor
- Fixed a regression that prevented the API Test Editor from loading the following settings for new API tests: test name, base URL, branch settings, and plan settings.
- Resolved an issue in which the API Test Editor became unresponsive if you sent a request with a formdata or url-encoded request body.
Mabl CLI
- Ensured that test artifacts could be downloaded from the mabl CLI under proxy settings.
- Fixed a regression that caused the mabl CLI to print out
instead of a link to the test output when tests were triggered with themabl tests run-cloud
command. - Resolved an issue in which tests created from the mabl CLI with the
option would not get associated with the specific DataTable(s) in the mabl Desktop App.
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