Use the "run mabl tests" GitHub Action to automatically trigger mabl tests as a part of your GitHub Actions workflow. With the "run mabl tests" GitHub Action, you can:
- Run mabl plans associated with a specific mabl environment and/or application as soon as you initiate a new deployment in GitHub
- View results of mabl tests directly within GitHub
- Customize subsequent actions in the pipeline based on the results of mabl tests
To set up the "Run mabl tests" GitHub Action, take the following steps:
- In the mabl app, create a "CI/CD integration" API key. API key access is limited to workspace owners.
- In GitHub, use GitHub Actions Secrets to store the mabl API key with the name
. - Add a "run mabl tests" GitHub Action to your repo's GitHub Actions workflow.
- Update the placeholder values in the Action with the parameters for the mabl tests you want to run. At a minimum, include the application ID and/or environment ID of the mabl plans you want to trigger.
For a complete list of parameters for running mabl tests, including browsers, branches, plan labels, and URL override, see Example workflow: Complete.
Installing the mabl GitHub integration (app) allows for richer interactions, like results in Pull Requests. See GitHub integration setup for the full details.
Customizing the Action
The example workflows trigger mabl tests when you push a commit or tag. Depending on what you want to accomplish, you may use a different event to trigger mabl tests, such as opening a pull request or setting tests to run on a schedule.
You can also control what subsequent actions are executed by your pipeline using test results statistics. For example, you can:
- Customize your pipeline to fail based on a specific threshold or percentage of passing tests instead of failing automatically on a single test failure.
- Configure your pipeline to automatically promote the build to the next environment in the event that all tests pass to eliminate the need to manually tag or trigger a push to development or production.
Running the GitHub Action
As soon as mabl receives a deployment event from your pipeline, it automatically triggers a mabl deployment event based on the specific parameters defined in the Action. The Action continually polls mabl until all triggered tests are completed.
Unless you configured a different behavior on failure, the pipeline stops if the Action returns a failure.
Viewing Action logs
After a deployment has occurred, you can see the results of the mabl tests triggered by the Action directly in the GitHub Action logs:
- Click on the Actions tab and open the mabl GitHub Actions workflow to view Action logs.
- If you configured the mabl GitHub Action to run on a PR, you can also click on the Details button to view the Action logs.
Viewing output logs for the GitHub Action
GitHub Actions logs include helpful information about the mabl tests including a table with information about the: browser, status, test name, duration of the run, and a direct link back to the output in the mabl app.