Integrate mabl tests into your development workflow within GitHub and ship quality code to your users faster. Let mabl test your builds for functional, performance, and accessibility regressions on deployment and get quality build insights from mabl directly into GitHub.
When you integrate mabl with GitHub, you can:
- Add GitHub checks for mabl cloud runs
- Run mabl tests in a GitHub Actions workflow
- Create GitHub issues based on mabl test insights
- Create Custom GitHub events based on mabl test insights
- Track mabl test results by GitHub hash
This article provides an overview of each functionality.
Add GitHub checks for mabl cloud runs
Install the mabl bot application in GitHub to run GitHub checks on pull requests (PRs) and commit checks:
- View the results of a mabl cloud runs directly from GitHub
- Require that mabl tests pass before merging a PR
- Allow PR reviewers to re-run mabl plans from GitHub
Learn more about running GitHub checks for mabl cloud runs here.
Run mabl tests in a GitHub Actions workflow
Use the "run mabl tests" GitHub Action to trigger a mabl deployment event as soon as you initiate a new deployment in GitHub. View mabl test results directly from GitHub Action logs.
Learn more about running mabl tests as a GitHub Action here.
Create GitHub issues based on mabl insights
Configure the mabl GitHub integration to generate GitHub issues based on mabl insights that are important to your team, such as JavaScript errors, page load issues, or significant changes in test run time.
Learn more about creating GitHub issues based on mabl insights here.
Create custom GitHub events based on mabl insights
Configure the mabl GitHub integration to trigger a custom event, known as a Repository Dispatch event, in GitHub based on specific insights from mabl.
Learn more about creating custom GitHub events based on mabl insights here.
Track mabl test results by GitHub hash
If you set up a mabl GitHub check or a "run mabl tests" GitHub action, you can trace test results within mabl to a specific code commit. Filtering mabl results by GitHub hash can help you identify the source of regressions and determine what code caused your tests to fail.
To filter mabl tests by a specific code commit, take the following steps:
- In GitHub, copy the git hash associated with the mabl GitHub check or GitHub action.
- In mabl, go to Results > By test or Results > By deployment.
- Paste the git hash in the "source control revision" field to see tests associated with the Github code commit.
Filtering tests by GitHub commit hash
For more information on filtering test results, see our documentation on reviewing test results.
Next steps
To get started, check out our article on setting up the GitHub integration.