This article describes the settings you can configure when creating a new mobile test: New test > Mobile test.
New to mabl?
If you're new to mabl and want more guidance on training tests against your mobile app, check out the article on getting started with mobile tests.
At a minimum, you must define the test name and select a mobile build and device for training. Read on for a full list of configurations that you can apply to mobile tests.
Basic information
Give your mobile test a name. Optionally, you may add a description and labels.
Naming conventions, descriptions, and labels
As a best practice, we recommend working with your team to define naming conventions for tests so that you can easily locate tests and understand what they do. Descriptions and labels are strongly encouraged because they add clarity and structure to your workspace.
GenAI Test Creation (optional)
Describe what you want the test to accomplish and let mabl's AI create an ouline of the test as a starting point. Read more about GenAI Test Creation here.
Early access
GenAI Test Creation is currently available in early access. Prior to general availability, changes to this feature may be made without notice.
Core settings
mabl offers two ways of training mobile tests: cloud training and local training.
Cloud training
Cloud training is the preferred method of training for most users because it doesn't require an emulator or simulator on your own machine. Every cloud training session uses a new virtual instance with a default state provided by Android or iOS.
At a minimum, you must upload or select an existing mobile build file to use for your test. You may also associate the test with a plan or an application and environment.
After configuring the build file, select the virtual cloud device and operating system version that you want to open in the Trainer.
Concurrent training limits
For cloud training sessions, keep in mind the following limits:
- Customer workspaces can have up to 10 Android and 3 iOS cloud training sessions open at the same time.
- Trial workspaces can have up to 3 Android and 2 iOS cloud training sessions open at the same time.
If your workspace has reached the maximum number of concurrent training sessions, you cannot open a new training session until another member of the workspace has closed their training session.
Local training
Local training uses local virtual devices and a build file from your machine. Every local training session uses the current state of the virtual device. If you select a build file from your workspace, mabl automatically downloads the build file to your machine.
Additionally, you can train and execute tests on real devices connected to your computer via USB by turning on the USB debugging option in your devices "Developer Options" settings. When plugged in, you will see the device in the Local Virtual Device section. This functionality is only possible with Android.
Local training limitations
If you train using a local build file on a local virtual device, keep in mind the following:
- mabl takes precautions to put the device in a clean state but cannot guarantee that your local device is in a clean state.
- If you don't upload the build file to the mabl cloud, other members of your workspace won't have access to the information that was used to train the test.
- Local training is more resource intensive and requires significant CPU and RAM. Limit the number of programs running on your machine to improve your experience.
Optional configurations
Expand Optional configurations to associate the test with a DataTable or mabl credentials.
Select a set of mabl credentials to use while training your test. The credentials dropdown does not appear for tests that are added to an existing plan. Instead, the test uses credentials associated at the plan level.
Associate the test with a DataTable and opt to Train with DataTable.
Launch the Trainer
After filling out the mobile test creation form, click on the Create test button to launch the mabl Trainer. Launching a cloud training session typically takes under a minute but can take up to 5 minutes during periods of high demand. When you launch the Trainer, a window loads with two parts:
- A mobile device with your selected mobile build installed
- The mabl Trainer window
The first time you launch a training session, the Rec button is turned on. In subsequent training sessions, the Trainer launches with the Rec button turned off.
Learn more
For further information and instructions on using the mabl Trainer for mobile tests, check out the following articles: