Applications are used to organize functionality, tests, and results into sets that are relevant to your organization. Many people choose to define one application for each unique product that they offer to their customers, while others choose to define applications at a more granular level. The former approach is more common with products that are supported by a single, relatively small development team, whereas the latter is more common with more feature-rich products that may be supported by multiple development teams.
An assertion is a statement about your application that you would like mabl to confirm is true when running a test. For example, when training a browser test, you might assert that a text field should have a certain value at a particular point in a test run.
Credentials provide mabl with authentication information for the purpose of executing a test.
Deployment event
A deployment event is an event that triggers all plans in mabl that match specified conditions to execute. These events are often triggered from a CI/CD pipeline but can be manually triggered as well.
An environment is a resource to which mabl connects in order to execute a test. To illustrate, an application might have two environments; one for development, which is accessible via
, and one for production, which is accessible via
A flow is a set of sequential steps that mabl must execute in order to verify that a particular part of a test is functioning as expected. Flows can be reused across multiple tests.
A plan specifies how mabl should run tests. It tells mabl which application to test, which credentials to use (if applicable), which tests to run, which environments to test against, and when the tests should be executed.
A scenario is a set of values, a specific row in a DataTable to be precise, that are passed a test as part of data-driven testing. The first column in a scenario is used to name that particular row, which will be shown wherever a test that uses that scenario is run.
An action that mabl takes during the execution of a flow or test. Examples include click, wait, enter text, create variable, assert, etc.
A test is the set of instructions that mabl must execute in order to verify that your application is functioning as expected. For example, in a browser test instructions could include visiting a particular URL, clicking on a given field in a form, entering text, clicking on a button, verifying that a field has a certain value, verifying that an object loads, and more. These were previously called "Journeys".
Workspaces are used to group applications, environments, credentials, tests, plans, and more. into a set for the purpose of providing appropriate visibility and access control. A workspace is the broadest grouping within the mabl application. Users can belong to one or more workspaces.