Browser tests
Create and edit browser tests in the mabl Trainer
- Getting started with browser tests
- Valid expressions
- CSS assertions
- Creating a browser test
- Best practices for creating browser tests
- Interacting with your web app in the mabl Trainer
- Finding the correct element
- Creating resilient find steps for similar elements
- Using CSS and XPath
- When to use CSS selectors vs. XPath expressions
- Testing in the shadow DOM
- Assertions and auto-heal
- Variable assertions
- URL assertions
- Download assertions
- PDF testing
- Working with cookies
- Uploading files to your web app
- Drag and drop steps
- Adding hovers
- Visit URL steps
- Keypress steps
- Automatic popup dismissal
- Interacting with HTML select dropdowns
- Testing in iframes
- Testing in different tabs
- MHTML snapshots
- Troubleshooting issues with Trainer playback
- Auto-login flows
- Mobile web testing