When you create a new application in mabl, mabl automatically creates a plan called "Verify home page load and login." This plan runs a basic smoke test called "Visit home page" once every four hours free of charge.
This article explains how to configure settings for the visit home page test, including how to…
- Add a login flow
- Turn off the visit home page test
- Run the visit home page test on different browsers
Adding a login flow
If the application URL points to a login page, take the following steps to add an auto-login flow:
- Open the plan details page for "Verify home page load and login" for the application that requires the login.
- Click on the edit pencil.
- Scroll to the Advanced section.
- Toggle on "Login credentials required."
- Select the mabl credentials required to log into your app.
- Save your settings.
Copy with custom login
Auto-login flows do not work if the login requires more than username and password or if the login isn't in English. If auto-login is unable to log into your application, you can create a copy of the link crawler test and add your own custom login flow to it:
- Open the test details page for "Visit home page".
- Click on the Copy with custom login button.
- Select the login flow you want to use instead.
- Click on the Duplicate button.
mabl generates a copy of the visit home page test with your custom login flow. You can run this copy of the visit home page test ad hoc or add it to a plan.
Copying visit home page tests
While running the default visit home page test is free, running a copied visit home page test counts toward your quota of allotted credits.
Turning off the visit home page test
To turn off the visit home page test for a specific application, take the following steps:
- Open the plan details page for "Verify home page load and login" for the application that you want to turn off.
- Toggle the button to turn off the plan.
Turning off the visit home page test for a specific application
To turn off the visit home page test for all applications in your workspace, take the following steps:
- Open the test details page for the "Visit home page" test
- Toggle the button to turn off the test.
Turning off the visit home page test for all applications
You cannot delete the visit home page test. Visit home page tests are system-generated when you create an application and system-deleted when you delete the application.
Running the visit home page test on different browsers
To run the visit home page test on different browsers, take the following steps:
- Open the plan details page for "Verify home page load and login" for the application that you want to update.
- Click on the edit pencil.
- In the Browser device settings section, select the browsers that you want to run the test on.
- Save your settings.