At mabl we believe that testing is a team sport that requires constant collaboration between QA professionals, developers, product managers, and other business stakeholders. To help keep everyone on the same page, mabl provides an activity feed that lets you quickly review what happened across a workspace for a given time period.
You can access the activity feed by going to Settings > Activity feed.
Use cases
The many use cases for the activity feed is to facilitate user collaboration by providing convenient access to historical user activity information across the workspace. Example use cases include:
- See who has been updating user credentials or a given test plan.
- Quickly track down a missing test to see who deleted it and when it happened.
- Filter by user to zoom in on that user’s activity for a given time period.
- Review workspace activity for a past time period.
- Filter by entity type such as reusable flows and JavaScript snippets to see who has been making changes.
- Search for an old test name to see when it was changed.
- Identify user activity that may have led to an issue with a given test.
You can combine multiple filters to surface just the information you are looking for.
How it works
The activity feed tracks create, update, and delete actions for the following entities in a workspace:
- Apps
- Branches
- Credentials
- Environments
- File Uploads
- Flows
- Plans
- Snippets
- Tests
- User roles
- Permanent email addresses
You will see an update on the activity feed within a few minutes from when one of the above entities is created, updated, or deleted. The information will contain the following:
- Action type (e.g. create, update, delete)
- Entity type (e.g. test, flow, etc.)
- Entity name (e.g. New user registration test)
- Username of the person who performed the action (e.g.
- Timestamp when the action was recorded
If you have a reusable flow that uses data-driven variables, it is best to use flow parameters instead of test-level variables and change the default flow parameter on a per-test basis as needed.
If the flow uses data-driven variables coming directly from the test, then any change to the default values of those variables in the test will result in a new flow version that will appear in the activity feed and in the change history for the flow. To avoid such unnecessary flow updates, it is best to use flow parameters.
You can use the filter controls to refine your activity feed view. When you apply a filter, the feed will update with the latest available information. The feed will also update when you navigate to it but will not update while you are viewing it.
In order to facilitate user collaboration, all users can view information in the activity feed regardless of their role (e.g. viewer, editor, owner).
Restoring deleted entities
Some types of entities can be undeleted, or "restored" using the activity feed. Click the trash icon to the right of the entity to restore it. Once an entity is restored, this icon will be disabled and you will see an activity entry (after reloading the activity feed) showing that the restoration occurred.
Restoring entities has the following limitations:
- You must be a workspace owner
- The entity must have been deleted less than 30 days ago
- The entity must be a supported type (file upload, flow, plan, snippet, test)
- It must currently be deleted (e.g. you cannot undelete multiple times in a row)