As your web application changes, mabl uses auto-heal to keep your tests up to date. When a step auto-heals in a passing test in a plan run, mabl generates auto-heal insights.
This article explains how to review auto-heals, disable auto-healing, and fix incorrect auto-heals.
For more information on how auto-heal works, read this article.
Review auto-heals
To review steps that have auto-healed, visit the insights page and set the Type filter to “Auto-heal”. Click on the insight to review auto-heal details, including the test, screenshot, and element history.
Details for an auto-heal insight
You can configure the mabl integrations for both Slack and Teams to send notifications when there are auto-heal insights.
Disable auto-healing
To prevent a recorded step from auto-healing, add Configure Find to the step and select “Disable auto-heal.”
Disabling auto-heal
Fix incorrect auto-heals
If a test step auto-healed to target the wrong element, check the element history to see which attributes were updated. To ensure that a specific test step does not auto-heal to the wrong element again, take one of two approaches:
Rollback and edit
If you can identify the correct element attributes in the element history, consider the “rollback and edit” approach:
- On the test output page, click on the clock icon to roll back the element history to the correct attributes
- In the Trainer or quick-edit mode, add Configure Find to the step with auto-heal disabled
Rolling back the element history
Retrain the step
If you are not sure which version in the element history represents the correct element, or the step has a shared element history, retrain the step:
- In the Trainer, play through to the prior step.
- Delete the step that auto-healed to the wrong element.
- Turn on the Rec button.
- Record the step again.
- Add Configure Find to the step with auto-heal disabled.