When you run browser tests against your application, mabl uses Intelligent Wait to determine whether your application has reached the correct state before interacting with it. In most cases, Intelligent Wait should be able to adjust for timing during test execution.
However, if your application loads considerably slower or faster in one environment compared to another environment, you can modify the page interaction speed for browser runs.
By default, all browser tests execute with a normal page interaction speed. This provides moderate thresholds where mabl waits to find an exact or a strong match for an element in your application. Other options for page interaction speed include:
- Fast: reduce the thresholds for identifying the correct element
- Slow: add additional wait time after each step in your test
- Slower: add a longer additional wait time after each step in your test
This article outlines how to modify page interaction speed for cloud, Trainer, and local runs.
Cloud runs
Set the page interaction speed for cloud runs at the environment level.
When you modify page interaction speed on the edit environment page, the setting applies to all browser runs in the cloud that are associated with that environment, including both ad hoc and plan runs.
Environment speed settings
By default, plans inherit settings from the chosen environment. However, you may override the environment-level page interaction speed by setting page interaction speed at the plan level.
Plan speed settings
Trainer and local runs
Use the Preferences menu in the Desktop App to adjust page interaction speed for local runs and replaying steps in the mabl Trainer: Edit > Preferences
If you are running tests locally in the mabl CLI, use the --interaction-speed
flag to adjust page interaction speed:
mabl tests run --run-id 12jk1l4j21u3n2-jr --interaction-speed slow