When it comes to a high-quality user experience, application performance is essential. Delays in performance can lead to users abandoning your application and leave a bad impression of your business. By testing your APIs for characteristics such as speed, stability, and responsiveness under load, you can ensure a fast and reliable experience for your end users. To assist with this effort, we're offering API load testing as an early access program.
In mabl, you can build an API load test using existing API tests in your workspace and ensure that your application can reliably handle a sufficient volume of requests in real-world scenarios.
Some applications of API load testing include:
- Ensuring that your application continues to meet service-level agreements (SLAs) as new changes are introduced
- Monitoring for performance regressions
- Preparing your application for an expected seasonal peak in traffic
API load testing is mabl's first offering for performance testing. If you're interested in trying performance testing in early access, you may submit a request here.
During the early access program, participants may use up to 500 VUH in total per account. Access and pricing is subject to change once the feature is available for general availability. Prior to general availability, changes to performance testing may be made without notice.
How it works
To build an API load test, create a new performance test and select existing API tests and configuring the settings for the test, including concurrency, run time, and failure criteria.
Setting failure criteria for an API load test
After running the test in the cloud, you can view an output summary and dig deeper into metrics for specific endpoints, such as API response time and error rates in the table below.
Reviewing output for an API load test
Learn more
To learn more about API load testing and performance testing in mabl, including more detailed steps and FAQs, check out our documentation.