The mabl Desktop App can be installed on Linux with all of the same functionality that is available on OSX and Windows.
The mabl-app Snap package is the officially supported method for installing the Desktop App on Linux. Snaps are a packaging format that can be used on most popular Linux distributions. Apps installed from the Snap Store will be automatically updated and will run inside a sandbox for better security.
Read on to learn how to install the mabl Desktop App on Linux
Confirm that Snap is installed on your system
Before you can install the mabl-app Snap package, confirm that Snap is installed on your system. Many distributions, such as Ubuntu, come bundled with Snap support, and most popular Linux distributions have Snap in their package repositories.
To check if Snap is installed, open your package manager or use the appropriate search command from the terminal to find Snap. Most distributions list the package as snapd
. Here are some examples:
Install the mabl-app Snap package
You can install the mabl-app Snap package from the Snap Store app or from the terminal.
From the Snap Store app
Open the Snap Store app and search for "mabl".
Click mabl-app and then click the Install button.
From the terminal
Open a terminal and enter the following command to install mabl:
sudo snap install --classic mabl-app